Your Online Identity
Your web address (also called an URL or domain name) tells customers who you are and how to find you on the internet. It is the core of your internet identity—your online brand. And because no two parties can have the same web address, your online identity is unique.What’s in a Name?Quite a lot, actually. Not only does your domain name act as your address on the web, it also communicates the name of your business to every website visitor. And it can be used as part of your email address to reinforce your online identity.Keep these tips in mind before choosing your domain name:• Make it memorable. “” is more unique and less limiting than“”• Describe your business. Avoid confusion by simply and logically describing your business, like “” for a flower shop. If you are setting up an online presence for an established business, make sure the name of your site matches the name ofyour business.• Keep it short. The best domain names are those that customers can easily remember and quickly type into their browsers. Complicated wording like “” doesn’t work as well as a simple phrase: “”
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